Sambel Pedes Gokilz

Pedesnya Nendang, Nagihnya Kebangetan!

About Us

Sambel Pedez Gokilz

Pedesnya Nendang, Nagihnya Kebangetan!

Sambel Pedes Gokilz adalah restoran yang menghadirkan sensasi pedas yang bikin nagih! Menyajikan aneka hidangan dengan sambal khas yang menggugah selera, restoran ini cocok bagi pecinta makanan pedas yang ingin merasakan level kepedasan dari yang ringan hingga ekstra gokil.

Dengan suasana yang santai dan menu lezat seperti ayam kalasan, sayur asem, dan aneka sambal spesial, Sambel Pedes Gokilz siap memanjakan lidahmu dengan rasa yang nendang dan bikin ketagihan! 🌶🔥

Menu Minuman

Free Refill

Teh Tawar

Teh Maniez


Kata Pelanggan

"The place is too luxurious for food with a menu like roadside catfish pecel, the atmosphere is cool because the building is new, clean, the service is good even though the employees are still new, keep up the spirit ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾"

- FFO Rent Car

"The chicken is delicious with all the spices, the variety of chili sauce is also delicious, you won't regret eating here, the price is very affordable, the best 👍"

- Niko Tanzi

"Fried Chicken is simply a winner! The chicken is delicious, the spices are mixed, and the skin is crispy. The place is comfortable, clean, and the service is friendly. The chili sauce is delicious! Suitable for lovers of traditional fried chicken. Highly recommended!"

- Aura Abadi